“Writing is its own reward.” – Henry Miller
Shop here for a list of books and services available to help writers
Dr. Wayne Dyer – www.drwaynedyer.com
Nicholas Sparks – www.nicholassparks.com
6 ebook marketing tips to guarantee sales – https://www.podia.com/articles/ebook-marketing-tips
Design your ebook like a pro with these 5 simple steps – https://www.podia.com/articles/how-to-design-an-ebook
WritersNet (for writers, editors, agents and publishers) – www.writers.net
A freelance writer’s guide to e-book publishing with tax info – https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tools/tax-tips/Self-Employment-Taxes/A-Tax-Cheat-Sheet-for-Kindle-eBook-Self-Publishing/INF29515.html
Northeastern University – https://onlinebusiness.northeastern.edu/neu-mst/a-freelancers-guide-to-taxes-and-business/
Writing for Theater and Film – https://www.theaterseatstore.com/blog/writing-for-theater-film